Nick can adapt his diversity message (to your needs) for corporate audience, immigrant audience or professional audience. Invite him to address your conference, clients or staff with one of his rousing keynote addresses. Or book him for a half-day or full-day workshop to take things to the next level.
Speeches and keynotes are typically 30 minutes to one hour in length and may include a PowerPoint presentation and a question-and-answer segment.
Workshops are expanded programs based on a more casual, interactive format, with handbooks, a PowerPoint presentation, exercises and extensive question-and-answer session.
For a Corporate Audience
- Diversity in the Workplace: Strategies for Success
- Ethnic Marketing Strategies: Myths, Misconceptions and Realities of the Immigrant Demographic
- Hiring Immigrants and Leveraging their Strengths
- Immigration and the Future of Canada
- The Second Step: Leveraging immigrant employees in your business
For an Immigrant Audience
- Seven Success Secrets for Canadian Immigrants
- Nine Soft Skills no Immigrant Should Be Without
- Corporate Etiquette for Canadian Immigrants
- Immigration and the Future of Canada
For Entrepreneurs
- 10 Gems of Entrepreneurship
For a Professional Audience
- “I am an Immigrant, Hire Me Please”: A Presentation for HR Professionals and Businesses
- The new, new-Canadian – An overview of a younger, professional with high language skills who is a great consumer and employee
- Helping Newcomers Succeed: A Presentation for Immigrant Settlement Workers