Leading with Diversity
Diversity and immigration are changing the face of Canada today. These are complex issues, in even more complex times, but one of Canada’s rising diversity experts, Nick Noorani is helping make sense of it all.
A social entrepreneur, motivational speaker, consultant, best-selling author and media personality, Nick has become a powerful voice for the successful integration of immigrants in Canada and bridging cultural gaps in the workplace and beyond.
He motivates immigrants to succeed in Canada.
He is a passionate advocate, helping to shape policy and social issues.
He shows organizations how to incorporate diversity practices.
Want a better workplace? A better life? A better Canada? Get inspired with Nick’s keynotes, workshops and publications.
A social entrepreneur, motivational speaker, consultant, best-selling author and media personality, Nick has become a powerful voice for the successful integration of immigrants in Canada and bridging cultural gaps in the workplace and beyond.
He motivates immigrants to succeed in Canada.
He is a passionate advocate, helping to shape policy and social issues.
He shows organizations how to incorporate diversity practices.
Want a better workplace? A better life? A better Canada? Get inspired with Nick’s keynotes, workshops and publications.
Latest Blogs
Every year, hopefuls start the countdown as the lottery announcement date approaches. Some have all the documents ready while others ...
We have been watching news about race and racism for quite sometime. No person of color is inured to incidents, ...
Of course not! Then why would people who are highly qualified do that very equivalent action on LinkedIn?Since COVID-19 I ...
Ask Nick!
Ask Nick!This was the name of a radio show I did with CBC’s Radio Canada that became very popular and I had to field questions that I answered on a live show every week.

Inspired by this, I am opening this up to all prospective and existing newcomers. Send me your questions in the form below and I will answer them. Look for the answers in my weekly video.

Inspired by this, I am opening this up to all prospective and existing newcomers. Send me your questions in the form below and I will answer them. Look for the answers in my weekly video.
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